A Hexagonal Pyramid is a pyramid with a Hexagonal base.

Area of Base [ A ] = [6/2]a.s = 3.a.s
Surface Area of Pyramid 
= 3.a.s + 3.s.l = A + 3.s.l
Volume of Pyramid = a.b.h 

Note :
a = apothem,
l =  length,  b = side, 
h = height and s = slant height


Formula Math Smart Hexagonal Pyramid Example :
Question : Find the surface area and volume of a hexagonal pyramid with the given apothem length 2, side 3, height 4 and the slant height 5.

Answer : Find the area of the base.
Area of the base [ A ] = 3as = 3 x 2 x 3 = 18.

Answer : Find the surface area of pyramid.
Surface Area of Pyramid = A + 3sl = 18 + [3 . 3 .5] = 18 + 45 = 63.

Answer : Find the volume of pyramid.
Volume of Pyramid = a.b.h = 2 . 3 . 4 = 24.

That is example will clearly illustrates how to calculate the Volume, Surface Area of a Formula Math Smart Hexagonal Pyramid .